At the turn of the 20th century,French physiologist, René Quinton made a connection while investigating life’s ocean origins:
the properties of SEAWATER and BLOOD PLASMA are strikingly similar. Like our blood plasma, he theorized that seawater was an energizing and ideal medium for cellular life. Modern science has now confirmed that these energic properties are derived from trace minerals known as electrolytes.
Every Cell...
Every System...
Needs Electrolytes...
We are constantly losing fluids. Most people sweat about 2 cups of water per day, and the simple act of breathing results in losing 1 cup of water. As we lose this fluid we also lose positively and negatively charged ions that conduct electricity throughout the body. Electrolytes like Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, and Calcium ensure the energy our cells need get where it needs to go. Without electrolytes, our body cannot maintain proper fluid balance or communicate between systems.
The Magic of Primordial Minerals
Nature has provided a solution from the depths of the ocean, Quinton marine plasma. This nourishing extracellular environment holds the ancient biological imprint of our primordial past: A unique balance of the periodic elements that fueled life on earth and continues to fuel optimal health for discerning individuals around the globe.
Build a Strong Extracellular Matrix
Our trillions of cells are surrounded by an extracellular milieu, known as the BIOTERRAIN. The health of this extracellular matrix ensures proper cellular metabolism. Quinton feeds the bioterrain, bathing our cells in everything they require while providing cellular nourishment through electro-osmosis.
Build a Strong Extracellular Matrix
Our trillions of cells are surrounded by an extracellular milieu, known as the BIOTERRAIN. The health of this extracellular matrix ensures proper cellular metabolism. Quinton feeds the bioterrain, bathing our cells in everything they require while providing cellular nourishment through electro-osmosis.
0.9% Identical to the osmotic concentration of human plasma; Best choice for restoring the health of the bioterrain, for those starting out with weak constitutions or health ailments.
3.3% Higher concentration of trace elements than that of our blood plasma; For maintenance in healthy individuals, added to water for daily mineralization needs, and for athletes prior, during, and after activity.
The ultimate starter pack!
Not sure where to begin? Try this perfect combo to restore and maintain your health.
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© 2020 WaterAndWellness