About Water and Wellness
At Water and Wellness our passion is to give you back control over your water. Make no mistake about it, our commitment is first to educate you about the truth behind drinking water safety and the water you bathe and shower in. Because let’s face it, everyone needs water. It is our most precious resource and pure water sources are tough to find these days.
We started WaterandWellness.com after retiring from a long, successful career in the water purification industry. In fact, in our international work in water treatment technologies, we discovered an all-natural product called Quinton Marine Plasma.
The Father of Reverse Osmosis Purification: Robert Slovak
Robert Slovak devoted himself to the science of water after life-altering experiences. He took his astronautical and mechanical engineering degrees and decided to pursue the research of reverse osmosis with his brother Jack. The dynamic duo were considered the early developers of Reverse Osmosis technology. After retiring from the corporate world, Robert left for Brazil to bring advanced water technology. While working in the rainforest he became sick with gastrointestinal illness due to unsanitary eating conditions in the small village. It was then he was taken to a biologist who had given him Quinton Marine Plasma to quickly eliminate the affliction. Robert left the Brazilian biologist the following morning convinced he had uncovered one of the greatest medicines of history, an imported marine solution from Spain.