Short on Bottled Water?

In the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, even if you avoid illness, there are still clear shortages of certain products; understandably, hand sanitizer, antibacterial spray, and now, bottled water? 

Americans are now facing bottled water rationing in some stores. In addition to stock-piling resources, this is also an indication of our consumption habits and their impacts on our lives and our planet. 

Did you know that the average American drinks 36.5 gallons of bottled water every year? On average, the cost to consume just one gallon is around 10$, making it double, if not triple, the price of gasoline. [1]

But, there is a better way to ensure your family receives fresh, purified water, avoiding bottled-water rationing, and even saving money (and plastic) in the process.

AquaTru is the Answer!

Having an AquaTru is like having a personal water facility - right on your counter!
With fast, priority shipping, you can get your new AquaTru in less time than it will take for stores to replenish their bottled water supply! 

We have VERY limited quantities of our coveted AquaTru Water Filtration System, at a very special discounted price!

Avoid the country-wide water shortage, eliminate virtually all toxins present in your tap water, and save hundreds switching from bottled water! 


Reference: [1] Container Recycling Institute

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