
Team Water and Wellness
Exciting News about Hydrogen

Exciting News about Hydrogen

Our team has been religiously taking our molecular hydrogen tablets 1-3x per day and reaping the benefits, avoiding putting on extra lbs!  Our fearless leader has also been busy traveling, appearing on podcasts and summits to discuss HYDROGEN, along with all things water and wellness related.  It always excites us to hear the testimonials coming in about molecular hydrogen!  Here is one that came to us from Dr. Joe who is 81 years old: “I am sold on the Active H2 ULTRA tablets as the best anti-oxidant in existence.  Since you introduced this to me 7 years ago, I have been...

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Team Water and Wellness

The Small Molecule that Makes a BIG Difference

Do you know what is SMALLER than oxygen, 3x more energy-dense than gasoline, powers the sun, AND has therapeutic potential in OVER 170 human and animal diseases?

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Team Water and Wellness

Get The Most Out of Your Health Regimen

Have you ever wondered why supplementation may not be as effective as you had hoped?  You may keep trying new products or adding more supplements to the list without noticing much in the way of results.  Our gut is constantly under assault by chemicals, toxins, and GMOs that wreak havoc on our intestines, affecting absorption of nutrients. Additionally, many phytonutrients can be difficult to absorb.  Companies do their best to overcome this hurdle by adding ingredients and utilizing advanced technology to increase absorption, however many compounds are still not reaching target sites in significant quantities to make a noticeable impact. ...

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Team Water and Wellness

Short on Bottled Water?

In the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, even if you avoid illness, there are still clear shortages of certain products; understandably, hand sanitizer, antibacterial spray, and now, bottled water? Americans are now facing bottled water rationing in some stores. In addition to stock-piling resources, this is also an indication of our consumption habits and their impacts on our lives and our planet. Did you know that the average American drinks 36.5 gallons of bottled water every year? On average, the cost to consume just one gallon is around 10$, making it double, if not triple, the price of gasoline. [1]But, there is a better way to ensure your family receives fresh, purified...

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