Introducing Quinton Marine Plasma (“Quinton”) - Proven for over 120 years
“A proper balance of all minerals & trace elements is vital to the wellbeing of expectant mothers and critical to the optimum development of their baby...”
A pregnant mother’s body has one priority... to give her unborn child whatever it needs to grow and thrive. As a fetus grows, it draws minerals & trace elements (ideally 70+) from the mother’s body. The human body is approximately 72% water and 28% minerals & trace elements. Over the course of an average pregnancy, a baby takes about four pounds of minerals & trace elements from the mother (or about 10% of her total mineral supply).
If minerals & trace elements are in short supply in the mother’s body, the baby will take them anyway, leaving the mother even more deficient in those minerals & trace elements. Mothers who have given birth to several children are at even greater risk of dramatic mineral & trace element deficiency. A mother of five children might have her own internal mineral & trace element supply depleted by more than 50%!
So pronounced is this issue of mineral & trace element deficiency in pregnancy that as many as 68% of expectant mothers experience a gestational eating disorder known as “pica”, in which they develop cravings for non-food items such as dirt, clay, cornstarch, laundry starch and baking soda. Pica is the manifestation of the body’s desperate attempt to replace missing essential minerals & trace elements.
Expectant mothers should include a complete and balanced organic mineral & trace element supplement before, during and after pregnancy. Not all mineral & trace element supplements are created equal, however. Synthetically produced mineral supplements may not be bioavailable and therefore not optimally absorbed by the mother and fetus - and may even increase mineral imbalances and deficiencies. Many so-called “mineral supplements” are especially inadequate in the balance of trace elements, or they may be derived from unnatural or contaminated sources.
Quinton Marine Plasma from the sea represents the Primordial Ocean which hosted the evolution of life itself and all its species. It has proven its support of extraordinary childbearing for more than a century...
Quinton Product Description
Quinton Marine Plasma is harvested from contaminant-free, plankton-rich zones in the open ocean, far from land. The seawater undergoes extensive testing and Quality Control and is then processed using patented protocols (developed by Rene Quinton in the late 1800’s) that assure the highest pharmacological purity.
Quinton Marine Plasma is provided in two concentrations, each with unique characteristics that compliment specific physiological functions.
- Isotonic (diluted with spring water to the “identity” of blood plasma)
- Hypertonic (undiluted, processed seawater)
Both Isotonic and Hypertonic Marine Plasma are packaged in:
- 10 ml (two teaspoons) sterile double-tipped glass ampoules (vials) and...
- 10 ml (two teaspoons) laminated foil sachets (for convenience in traveling and sports)
Note: Marine Plasma packaged in glass ampoules is preferred for optimum childbearing objectives.
Both Isotonic and Hypertonic Marine Plasma are supplied in:
- Boxes of 30 ampoules and...
- Boxes of 30 sachets
Quinton Marine Plasma Use Guidelines
This remarkable discovery supports every aspect of procreation from fertility, conception and prenatal nutrition to breastfeeding and beyond. Parents across the globe agree that Quinton is a life-changing contribution to the world of childbearing.
While there are volumes written on this subject, spanning more than a century, we are limiting the scope of information to the following guidelines that apply to conception, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Quinton Marine Plasma is the most complete and balanced organo-complexed mineral & trace element supplement known. It contains the entire Periodic Table of the Elements. Bear in mind that these are not “hard” rules that must be rigidly followed. Any exposure to Quinton Marine Plasma will be of benefit during these critical times.
Option 1 – Pervasive conception issues (Note: Always seek professional medical advice in all matters concerning conception and pregnancy).
- 6-months prior to conception: Both, otherwise healthy, partners start by taking Quinton Hypertonic (3 ampoules daily, separate from meals).
- 3-months prior to conception: Both partners continue by taking Quinton Hypertonic (2 ampoules daily, separate from meals).
- This results in a powerful re-balancing and fortification of both partners’ physiological functions.
Option 2 – Minor conception issues (Note: Always seek professional medical advice in all matters concerning conception and pregnancy).
- 3-months prior to conception: Both, otherwise healthy, partners start by taking Quinton Hypertonic (1 ampoule daily, separate from meals). Female partners are advised to take Quinton Isotonic (1 ampoule, 30 minutes prior to bedtime).
Option 1 – When an excellent diet and advanced nutrition has been adhered to for at least two years (e.g. fresh organic produce, balanced protein and healthy fats, super-foods, etc.):
- Once pregnant, take Hypertonic (1 ampoule daily) in the morning on an empty stomach.
- After the 30th week of pregnancy, change to Isotonic (1-2 ampoules daily, separate from meals).
- After delivery, continue with Hypertonic (1-2 ampoules daily, separate from meals) during breast-feeding for 3 months
NOTE: Also add 1 ampoule of Hypertonic to each 1 liter of drinking water for both mother and baby.
Option 2 – The mother’s diet and nutrition has been inadequate or compromised (e.g. junk food, packaged and frozen food, non-organic, high carbs and sugar, etc.) use:
- Hypertonic (2-3 ampoules daily, separate from meals) for the first 3 months.
- Hypertonic (1-2 ampoules daily, separate from meals) for the 4th, 5th and 6th months.
- Hypertonic (2 ampoules daily, separate from meals) for the 7th & 8th months.
- Hypertonic (3 ampoules daily (separate from meals) for the 9th month.
Note: Also add 1 ampoule of Hypertonic per 2 liters of drinking water for both mother and baby.
Use only Quinton Hypertonic:
- Hypertonic (3 ampoules daily, separate from meals) for the first 10 days following birth then reduce (2 ampoules daily, separate from meals) for the remainder of breast-feeding)
Note: Also add 1 ampoule of Hypertonic per 2 liters of drinking water for both mother and baby.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Health and Medical Use Disclaimer: The information contained herein regarding the use of Quinton Marine Plasma oral nutritional supplement is for historical and educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as medical advice and is not intended to replace the counseling, attention or therapy provided by a physician. Quinton supplements have not been approved by the FDA as a treatment for any specific disease or health condition. They have been used in support of world health since 1897.
Robert Slovak & Mike Long
Health & Wellness Expert
Took Quinton pregnant and I had a pregnancy with no sickness! I highly recommend to all mothers, pregnant or not.
I have been taking the Isotonic ampules with H2 Active for 30 days. My gut health feels way better. Should I start the Hypertonic with H2 Active now? Or are you supposed to take both? I honestly don’t think I can afford BOTH ampules daily. I thought I would go back to the Isotonic IF I started feeling sick or run down? Can you please advise me? Thanks a bunches!🙌