Most of us realize that the earth is called the “blue planet” for a reason.
It’s because the surface of our planet is covered in water. In fact, around 75% of the earth is covered by water! However, less than 1% of this water is readily available as “fresh” water, which is what we must have for the water we consume. Yet, in spite of the fact that water “is everywhere,” most people are not very well informed when it comes to the topic of water.
It’s hard to know where to begin when trying to discern all of the false and wrong information when discussing the topic of “fresh” water. This is particularly true when we narrow it down to “drinking water” and the various methods that are being touted as producing the “best” or the “healthiest” or the “cleanest” drinking water.
In fact, the number of false claims and corresponding methodologies purported to achieve these dubious claims is enough to drown a fish!
We have to start somewhere, so let’s first examine the statement that “R.O. water is so pure that it takes away ‘all of the good stuff’ from water.” Let’s use logic to parse this statement. What is the definition of water? Simple: it is H2O. That is two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen, which combine to produce WATER! What other “stuff” do you find in this very basic equation? Next, where does all of the water on earth come from? It falls in the form of rain or snow. If it is found in glaciers or ice caps, it still fell as rain or snow, even if it was eons ago.
Now let’s closely examine the source of all water on earth, these raindrops or snowflakes. Do you think they’ll have the entire periodic chart of elements in them? The answer is NO! In fact, do you think you’re going to find any minerals in them? The answer is NO! Do you think they’ll have an alkaline pH? The answer is NO! Yet, why is it people so often talk about “the good stuff” in water; the need for “alkaline water”, that water should have “minerals” in it? The reason is a combination of deceit, ignorance, and marketing.
How does “stuff” get into water in the first place? Well, water falls upon the earth. From there it picks up all sorts of “stuff” and then flows into streams, rivers, lakes, and finally ends up in the oceans. In some instances, it soaks into the soil, down through rocks, and might end up in natural underground reservoirs commonly known as aquafers. From there, water is pumped to the surface.
What “stuff” is water picking up on these journeys? Pesticides? Herbicides? Fertilizers? What other “stuff” is it going to pick up? What about the water that flows through the ground and is eventually pumped out into wells? In addition to the above “stuff” we’ve mentioned, the water also dissolves the rocks/stones that lie under the surface of the earth’s soils. In fact, where do you think the “minerals” in tap water or well water come from? Unless they were deliberately added, they come from the dissolved rocks that water picks up as it slowly percolates down through the earth. Considering the issue of bioavailability, do you think you benefit from drinking dissolved rocks?
Let’s go a bit deeper into this discussion. Depending upon the source of information, most authorities agree that men need at least 1,000 mg/day of calcium and women need 800 mg/day. The average calcium content of the water where I currently live (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) is 50 ppm or 50 mg/L. That means I would have to drink at least 80 glasses of water each day (8-ounce glass) in order to get my needed calcium. Yet by drinking 4 glasses of milk I would get roughly the same amount of calcium. And what do you think is more usable by our bodies – calcium from dissolved stones or calcium from milk?
Here is the point: Water does not contain the needed amounts of minerals our bodies need. Adequate, and a wide variety of minerals are a huge part of good health. In fact, minerals are absolutely necessary for staying alive! Minerals are a vital part of nutrition. WATER IS NOT NUTRITION! We get nutrition from the foods we eat. WATER IS NOT FOOD!
In actual fact, most people don’t have an adequate amount of the minerals and trace elements they need for optimum health. This is because most of the foods being grown today are seriously nutritionally deficient. If you believe you are getting “good stuff” in the tap or well water you drink, please think about it carefully.
If you want to ensure the quality of the water you consume, make sure you start with just water – H2O! Then you can ADD the things you need. For example, Quinton Marine Plasma contains the entire periodic table of elements. By simply adding one 10ml ampoule of Quinton to your water, each day, you are taking a huge step towards getting the necessary minerals and trace elements your body requires.
Mike Long
Your Health & Wellness Expert
Next time, we will delve into the Alkaline water myth, among other topics. Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay hydrated!
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Finally a great explanation, I’m always surprised to hear some of the audience during my seminars on water, have a concern about dead water, or over mineralized water and high or too low ph,…. ect. Like your feedback on this, good post.