
Team Water and Wellness
3 ways you’re making yourself look older

3 Ways You’re Making Yourself Look Older

When we talk about aging, we often shed a negative light on this natural occurrence. But, did you know there are ways to help HOW you age and boost your experience? All it takes is a close look at your lifestyle and some supplemental help.

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Team Water and Wellness
how your air quality could be affecting your health

How Your Air Quality Could Be Affecting Your Health

The ongoing chatter about outdoor pollution makes many of us rethink living in a big city. However, did you know that we are even more in danger inside our homes than we are outside? 

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Team Water and Wellness
tricks to improve your focus

Tricks To Improve Your Focus

Your brain is a muscle that you need to exercise and nourish appropriately to keep it in tip-top shape. Even if you are already starting to feel the brain fog and loss of focus associated with old-age, there are ways to reverse it and stop the decline from going any further. 

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Team Water and Wellness
secrets to longevity 

5 Secrets To Longevity 

These rules-of-thumb can provide your body and mind with the strength they need to stay alert, energized, and age well. 

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